Vaio VPCZ11X9E, no keyboard/touchpad on_boot or after
Asdescribed here we must add i8042.nopnp to the kernel boot parameters in order to use the touchpad at all. Anyhow it sometimes happens that you reboot or suspend/hibernate and end up without mouse and keyboard. Up to today I always had to hard power off the machine, i.e. holding down the power button. Even if this only happens about once every 10 reboots, it is really annoying, so today I attached an usb keyboard to the machine and started investigating.
I discovered that just reloading the psmouse module does the trick of bringing
both the keyboard and the mouse back to life.
both the keyboard and the mouse back to life.
In order to make this automatic I added a couple of scripts to
my system.
my system.
The first one goes into /etc/pm/sleep.d/99i8042
and the other one, to be saved as /etc/init/fix_touchpad.conf is #!/bin/sh
case "$1" in
modprobe -r psmouse
modprobe psmouse
# reload the psmouse module
description "Reload the psmouse driver because the buggy i8042 could mess it up after boot"
author "Vincenzo Di Massa <>"
start on starting-dm
modprobe -r psmouse
sleep 1
modprobe psmouse
end script
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